The Hero’s Journey

2 min readFeb 25, 2022

Episode’s new contest has a LOT of people confused and upset. I’m not going to get into all of that, but I do want to address one issue I know is causing a lot of people to scratch their heads. What on earth do they mean by “The Hero’s Journey”.

I wasn’t positive about this until I saw the response where they said “Think Campbell”. A lot of people probably haven’t read Campbell’s “The Hero with a Thousand Faces”. It’s a very interesting, but tough read. I actually had to read it in college. This is what they’re talking about!

While I recommend you buy a copy of the book because it’s a lot more detailed than I can be, I am planning to take a break from my regular Thursday posts to dive more into this topic and share what I know.

Essentially, Campbell proposes that all hero stories follow a similar timeline and plot. He uses examples like Hercules, Odysseus, and even Jesus! All heroes go through a similar journey. Below is a diagram that essentially breaks down the journey.

Each week I’ll be going into detail about each step in the journey. If you follow along with me you should have your story completely written and ready to go in 12 weeks, which is plenty of time to have your overlays and backgrounds approved, your story edited, and everything ready to go. Of course, you only need to follow along for the first three weeks to enter, but if you want to finish your story, as I do, I am going to go through the entire hero’s journey.

Want to follow along? Be sure to follow Storic to get updates about when I post. As always, happy writing!





Storic is a team of writers dedicated to helping authors perfect their craft.